Informational and calculative science: the fusion of mathematical technique and informational technique 信息与计算科学:数学技术和信息技术的融合
Recently, a new mathematical technique known as wavelet transform ( WT) has become the focus of many science areas. 近年来,一种被称为小波变换的数学理论和方法成为众多学科关注的焦点。
In this paper we relax this assumption, and apply this mathematical technique to study the profit-maximization pricing of a multi-product monopolist. 本文放松这个假设求得非负解的充分条件,并应用至多产品独占厂商利润极大化定价的探讨。
Fuzzy logic: A mathematical technique for dealing with imprecise data and problems that have many solutions rather than one. 模糊逻辑:处理不详尽数据和很多答案的问题的数学技巧。
Mathematical geology technique and method for prediction of gas content and emission 瓦斯含量及涌出量预测的数学地质技术与方法
This paper presents a new method, in which nautical chart information can be compressed and restored by mathematical morphology technique. 用形态学方法对海图信息进行压缩和恢复,然后用游程编码对骨架进行编码和解码,达到用最少的空间存储最多的信息。
A mathematical technique used in economics; finds the maximum or minimum of linear functions in many variables subject to constraints. 经济上用的一个数学技术:遭受约束下寻求多变数线性函数的极大或极小值。
Idealization and mathematical technique are prerequisite of physics precision and quantification. 理想化方法、数学方法是物理学成为精密定量科学的必要条件;
The cure kinetic equations were deduced from Kissinger equation and Ozawa Flynn Wall equation, by which the mathematical technique used to evaluate the parameters of the cure kinetics, the reaction order and activation energy. 分别用Kissinger方程和Ozawa-Flynn-Wall方程推导了该固化体系的固化动力学方程,并计算了固化反应活化能。
Further more, the equivalent boundary integral expressions of the set of potential functions satisfying the inhomogeneous field equation are rigorously deduced by mathematical technique of non-continuation. 使用非解析开拓数学方法,导出满足控制微分方程的位势函数集的等价边界积分表示式。
Combining finite element method and the mathematical programming technique, a procedure of back analysis of consolidation has been developed. 结合有限单元法和数学规划法提出一确定地基固结过程中材料参数的反分析法。
A mathematical simulation technique for the time-lag individuals in an insect population 昆虫种群累积发育频数的数学模拟中时滞个体的模拟处理
Based on internal and external factors controlling the fracture development in low-permeability reservoir, a 3D-infinite mathematical modeling technique which can quantitatively predict the spatial distribution of fractures is proposed. 根据控制裂缝发育的内外因素,提出了定量预测低渗透油气储集层裂缝空间分布的三维有限元数值模拟方法。
Based on the upper bound and lower bound principles of limit analysis, the mathematical model of slope stability in consideration of pore water is established, by means of finite element technique and mathematical programming technique. 本文基于塑性极限分析的上、下限定理,运用有限元技术、数学规划技术,在考虑土体内孔隙水压力的作用的条件下,建立了求解边坡稳定性的数学模型。
A method for stability assessment of slopes using pattern search technigue, which is based on finite element stress analysis, is introduced in this paper. The definition of the safety factor is elucidate and the mathematical programming technique for searching the slip surface is presented. 本文介绍了一种基于有限元应力分析的边坡稳定评价方法,讨论了边坡稳定安全系数定义的物理意义,介绍了搜索最危险滑动面的广义数学规划命题和模式搜索方法。
This program applies the Bellman "dynamic programming" mathematical technique to determine the optimized path of cable link between equipments and to select the cable conduit and its laying on supports. 该程序应用Bellman动态规划数学技巧确定设备间联接电缆的最佳路径;
Mathematical Technique of Data Mining Based on Web Structure 基于Web结构数据挖掘技术的数学方法
A Macrocell Placement Algorithm Based on Mathematical Programming Technique 一种采用规划方法的宏模块布局算法
In view of the refinery practice, mathematical programming technique is used to construct the scheduling model, heuristic rules are applied to reduce the constraints and variables number in order to simplify the problem. 根据炼油行业的实际情况,用数学规划方法建立各个功能模块的调度模型,运用启发式规则降低约束和变量的个数,从而降低问题的复杂性,是本文采用的一个主要方法。
Application of mathematical simulation technique to supply and demand equilibrium of water resources 数字模拟技术在水资源供需平衡中的应用
【 Method 】 Applying the knowledge engineering method and mathematical modeling technique, a dynamic knowledge model for suitable cultivars in maize was established by quantitatively calculating the relationship of the cultivar characteristics to environmental factors and production requirement. 【方法】运用知识工程原理和数学建模技术,通过定量计算玉米品种特征值与生态环境因子和生产需求之间的符合度,建立了玉米适宜品种选择动态知识模型。
The different kinds of design methods, detailed structure and mathematical technique of the ecological kinetic of phosphorus cycle in FWS are presented and compared in this paper. 本文详细地介绍了表面流人工湿地磷循环生态动力学模型的设计思想、具体结构、数学模式和实现方法,并对生物生长、死亡和土壤作用模块的各种不同实现方法做了深入细致地分析探讨。
The approximate solution for the transmitted and reflected waves wave at the vertical wall of the step is obtained by using the methods of the matched-asymptotic expansion and the Green function and some mathematical tech technique such as the conformal mapping theory and the singular Fredholm integral equation theory. 通过匹配渐近展开和格林函数的方法,借助保角交换和求解奇异Fredholm积分方程的技巧,获得了两层流体系统中弱非线性内波在台阶直壁处反射和透射的近似解。
The Venture Evaluation and Review Technique ( VERT) is a computerized mathematical simulation technique based on stochastic network analysis. 风险评审技术(VERT-3)是以随机型网络为基础的计算机化仿真技术。
Applying mathematical simulation technique for solving water flow movement and infiltration process of surface irrigation will be convenient for multi-alternative analysis, provide an effective approach for selecting reasonable combination of the irrigation technical parameters. 应用数学模拟求解畦灌水流运动和沿程水流入渗过程与水量分配便于多方案分析计算,为选取合理的灌水技术参数组合提供有效的技术手段。
Target Factor Analysis ( TFA) is kind of mathematical technique for solving multidimensional problems of a certain type. 目标因子分析法(TFA)是一种对多元系统进行统计分析的计算数学方法。
The paper draws into convertional mathematical technique using linear equation to express structure between Web pages and solving linear equation to give PageRank of Web page. 引入传统的数学方法:线性方程组表示页结构之间的关系及通过求解齐次线性方程组来计算页的的键值。
The history of application and development, the theo-ritical models used in elastoplastic response analysis of structures and the prospect of the mathematical programming technique are described. 叙述了它的应用发展历史,总结了数学规划方法解结构弹塑性反应的理论模型,指出了数学规划技术在结构反应分析中的发展前景。
In the process of using utility function to comprehensively evaluate the management companies, it makes qualitative indices be quantitative by applying fuzzy theory. In order to reduce subjective differences between experts in weight setting, it makes use of some mathematical technique. 在运用效用函数法进行评价的过程中,结合模糊理论对定性指标和半定量指标进行量化,并利用数学方法减弱主观赋权法中专家之间的主观差异。
Wavelets are a new mathematical technique, arising in 1980 's. Wavelets have found wide applications in image processing due to its time-frequency localization and multiscale analysis property. 小波分析是二十世纪九十年代出现的一门新的数学方法,由于它具有时-频局部化特点和多尺度特性,在图像处理领域得到了广泛应用。